Not everyone can smell the odor of death. I guess I am a person who is very sensitive to the odor. When I lived in
He looked at me as I was one brick shy a load and ignored my question. Then, I heard a man behind me say, I smell it. I turned and it was another person visiting Ground Zero. He was from
It always has, I exclaimed. We talked a while. Mark listened in, but I dont think he understood. There is a unique presence of odor when a person or persons die. I am not talking about the usual body odors or smells associated with embalming, or a decaying body, or a diseased body, but a specific odor all its own.
If you can or cant smell death, please comment? Could you ask your friends and neighbors this death question? Ask them to come on line and comment. I am curious to know if this is ability to smell death is more prevalent than I think. Can you smell death?
I have not been aware of a definite odor of someone dying. Perhaps, I will be more aware the next time I experience it. It was a very interesting to me to hear about this. Thanks.
Yes, not everyone likes to speak about this. I have had several people talk to me one on one. Few people at Ground Zero even noticed the odor and this was in 2002.
Interesting read Ron… I have been to Ground Zero myself, and although I don’t remember a specific smell, the eerie feeling that surrounded the area will always stay with me.
God bless man
Its weird but I never have got such kind of a smell. But going to a graveyard you are bound to expect something weird to happen….like in the movies…lol
Anywz…long since you posted a new scrap….we are waiting….